It can be overwhelming when you first begin your digital marketing journey. Every guru is telling you what you should be doing, what you should not be doing, and what you shouldn’t ever do again. Although they all sound completely matter-of-fact, they all say something completely different.

Here are 5 Digital Marketing tips that you can mould to suit you and your business.

Let’s take a look at some of these strategies, shall we?

1) Set up an email list

When creating an email list, there are two schools of thought. There is a loud cry that email is dead, and for some, that is true.

Some people have a hard time keeping up with their email lists, so it’s true for them. Besides not adding people to their list correctly, they don’t follow up well, they don’t really add value every time they send an email, they don’t email consistently, and when they do, it’s because they are pitching something.

Email lists should be created in the opposite way.

It’s crucial that when you add someone to your list, they receive more than just a ‘thank you for signing up here’s what you wanted to download’ email. Keeping in touch with them on a regular basis is also crucial.

When should I do it?

The choice is yours and that of your ideal people. Every two weeks is fine if you know your ideal customers don’t have time to read a weekly email.

Do you have a group of people who need some extra attention? Send them emails more often.

There is no right or wrong answer, and that’s the best part. You get to decide!

2) Get Social

Nowadays, almost everyone uses social media in some form.

The ‘younger’ generation used to be the only ones who used social media heavily, but now, even grandma is on Facebook.

Therefore, you need to be on social media.

What platform do you use?

It’s up to you to make the right choice here.

You must consider the types of content your audience likes and where they tend to spend most of their social media time.

Instagram is probably your shining star if you sell handmade goods on Etsy.

3) Go organic

Not talking about organic food. Organic traffic.

Free traffic is your biggest asset as a beginner, and as a business later on. You own it constantly and there is no way to shut it down. As long as your website exists, this will flow to you.

4) Establish a ‘Content Calendar’

Create an accountability system for yourself to ensure you produce content on a regular basis. It doesn’t matter what medium you use, whether it’s video, written blog posts, audio, images, or anything really, you must create content for your website on a regular basis.

If you don’t have something for potential clients to find you with, you will never be found. You won’t get organic leads if you don’t create content for search engines.

Content is the only way to get organic traffic.

5) Maintain consistency and persistency

Whatever your online strategy is, consistency is always key.

Creating a blog, videos, graphics or images for your website, digital marketing requires consistency.

Putting all your efforts into Facebook? Make sure you are consistent.

Don’t stop posting once you start. You do this regularly, whenever possible. It’s easy to keep doing this once you get in the habit.

Digital marketing takes time to get there. It won’t happen overnight. If you don’t see immediate results, you must be persistent and keep going. The habit of consistency comes into play here.

If you found this blog interesting or helpful, checkout our other blog about marketing strategies here.